Flag Stuff

Personal Flag

My personal flag is a tricolor of black, dark blue, and light blue. Its earliest design dates to 2020, but its design was not too different besides the shades being slightly different.
The three stars in the center represented the three closest people I had at the time that helped me through things. Two friends that are represented on it are not around anymore, as one went missing and the other became hostile. The third star still retains its meaning; it's been called the "Tristar flag," a title shared with the state flag of Tennessee.
I do not have plans to redesign the flag as it's become notable in some of my spaces. The "reverse" (back) of the flag depicts the tristar design but flipped, with an outline of my older character, "Day," with crescent eyes.

Flag Collection
As a vexillologist, I collect flags. In recent years, vintage and antique flags and flag items have become a primary interest, and my collection has grown significantly.

For example, I own one of the very few copies (estimated to be 6-8) of the original 1901-1909 era Maine state flag; it measures 4x6 inches and is unmounted.
I can't pinpoint exactly when I got into flags, but early childhood photos show me holding flags, so you could call it a lifelong interest. I've also helped friends obtain rare and obscure flags by sharing tips on where to find them and which collectors to buy from.
Most of my flags are stored in protective packaging or displayed appropriately to keep them safe. The gallery below is a sampling of some of these flags.

(Note: the lack of the extra scroll might imply it's Syria instead, but it was labeled as "Libya" on its heading.)

(Syria seceded from the Union in 1961)